Creativity is the heart of our company. With a talented team of seasoned designers & merchants nothings left to uncertainty. Our designers start from the ground up working with our partners on concepts and projects that suit our partners best. The team is always utilizing the most up to date resources we have here in the US. Not only does our creative team have boots on the ground but combine that with our own manufacturing facility and jackpot! Having our own factory allows us to customize your product right down to unique and exclusively designed materials. By utilizing this aspect, our creative team ensures that you're not receiving goods that everyone has seen, but goods that will set you apart from the rest.

Remember how we mentioned that we are accessories nerds, well yup, that remains true. We love a good investigation, especially if has anything to do with sales, trends & logistics. If you succeed, we succeed its that simple. Our domestic warehouse holds a myriad of inventory for EDI & replenishment shipping that our planning team scrutinizes to make sure you’ve got what you need. Our creative team utilizes the top trend services, social media platforms (Tik-Tok rabbit holes and endless Insta reals….. We’ve all been there) & scours sales reports for the top sellers. We leave no stone unturned to provide you with the most pertinent and up to date information.
Unlike many design houses we have our very own factory located in Yiwu, China. With our cutting-edge Intelligent Production line we have streamlined the production process. Intelligent Production improves overall production effectiveness, increasing output, quality and consistency. Our eyes are always on the future, so not only is our facility equipped to be better informed and efficient in execution, we’re eco conscious too. We are proudly one of a handful of approved factories to produce goods in recyclable materials.

Like it, love it, leave it. Let's face it, fashion is fast & furious with something new always around the corner. With our own manufacturing facility, domestic design studio & domestic resources we’re able to be at the forefront of the action. By having our own design studio & manufacturing facility, sample turnaround is fast and concise. What better way to see what you’ll be buying than the sample right from the production facility itself! The ease of knowing “what you see, is what you get” helps eliminates the guesswork from concepts to reality. To top that off our manufacturing facility is fully capable of quick order turnaround.